>On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 18:53:31 +0100
>William Murray wrote:
>> "Connection closed by XXX.YYY.ZZZ.??? [preauth]"
>That was one of the errors I was seeing which led me to start
>this thread:
>(but I was always failing to connect, not merely sometimes
Thanks Tom,
           That looked very promising - but actually doesn't seem to change anything.
I relabelled them though...

I did spot something else though. I have this backup script running in /etc/cron.daily
and so it runs once a day as well as whenever I plug in the correct cable.  That
version works! So when called (directly) by cron it runs, when called (indirectly) by
NetworkManager it doesn't. Directly or indirectly by me it doesn't...

This is very confusing.

Bill Murray                     ----                       ATLAS
STFC RAL at: Bat 40 4-C28, CERN,1211 Meyrin, Geneve 23, Switzerland
  Tel:- CERN +41 22 7678432    or  RAL +44 (0)1235 446256