On Wed, 20 Oct 2021 at 05:26, François Patte <francois.patte@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:


I am wondering why fedora packagers limit the capabilities of softwares:

I installed blender from fedora repo (f34) version 2.93.5. It is
impossible to enable the graphical acceleration of my graphic card
(nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti).

I went to blender official site and got the same version of blender
and.... graphical acceleration is set without any problem.

Why this difference?

Distribution packages for complex software often use a basic
configuration that lacks some of the features needed for some
use cases.  I use remote sensing software from NASA and ESA.
These include versions of 3rd party software configured to the
requirements of the applications because they can't assume the
distro packages will work.  In some cases, features involve
licenses or export restrictions that prevent including in a distro
package, but enabling fewer features also minimizes bloat
with features many users don't need. 

George N. White III