On 04/27/2010 12:49 PM, Fil-ShinyMetal wrote:
I agree with Matthew, look at http://rpmfusion.org/Howto/nVidia#head-205aab6f190d363e3915c0fa2e0681fc392aaeb6.
If you can't live without it :
1) Boot without X, and login as root
2) sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-195.36.15-pkg2.run
It will compile a kernel module against your current kernel, and when you will upgrade the kernel you have to do it again.
Some minutes needed.
After that, follow what explained in the link above.
Skype shinymetal-skype

From: Henry Wyatt
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:23 PM
To: Fedora User List
Subject: Nvidia

Downloaded the following from Nvidia website


How do I install driver on Fedora 12 x64

Henry E. Wyatt, Jr.

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As suggested above do not install the run package but make sure rpmfusion is in your repo
then install it from either yum or add/remove software

If you install the above run file YOU WILL HAVE TO RECOMPILE KMOD on every kernel update.
If you do it from repo then  it is automatic

The how to details how to install correctly

You must blacklist nouveau in grub config before you reboot after the driver install

On each kernel line after quiet rdblacklist=nouveau