On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 12:42 PM Tom Horsley <horsley1953@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 7 Sep 2021 13:34:19 -0600
Joe Zeff wrote:

> > any idea why i am the lucky 'winner '?? 
> Tish happens.  Seriously, you might want to submit a bugzilla against
> pipewire, listing the workaround so that the devs will know what it is
> that doesn't always work right because if nobody reports it, it can't
> get fixed.

Maybe try booting from the f34 workstation live image and see if it
can get sound out of the box. If it can, something was confused on
your installation (which can certainly happen on an upgrade versus
a clean install).

i always clean install to avoid a lot of this too.
its got audio showing up, just not out loud yet.

i think i'll beat on this a bit and see if i can fix it;
it'd be nice to 'give back useful info if i can'...

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