On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 12:04 PM Scott Beamer <scott.beamer@comcast.net> wrote:

I recently read somewhere that there is a dnf command to finish
upgrading when an upgrade crashes during an upgrade. I tried Googling to
find it just now and have come up empty.

Does anyone know what it is?

I don’t recall such an option, but a) I have an absent-minded professor’s memory, and b) it it best to investigate the reason for the crash before making changes in case you end up compounding the problem.  In particular, you want to rule out a hardware issue that needs fixing.  My experience has been that systems accumulate cruft and diverge from other systems that started with the same configuration, so I prefer a fresh install to move back towards a more widely used configuration.  Then any Fedora bugs you encounter will affect other users, so you benefit from the all bugs are transparent if there are enough eyeballs looking at them effect.

George N. White III