On Apr 1, 2014 9:47 AM, "Mark Haney" <mhaney@practichem.com> wrote:
> Well, someone on the Fedora team needs to fix the documentation then.
>  But now it makes sense.  I didn't stop to think about the redirect,
> since my boss isn't giving me time to think.  Apologies for spamming
> the list.
> - --
> Mark Haney

You're referring to a wiki page, right?  If so, you're part of the team! IIRC, wiki access requires only a FAS account and the Contributor Agreement ( basically you're saying yes, you can edit my wiki edits, in this case .)

Seemingly minor contributions like this add up.  Communicate for big changes, of course, but if you find something like this where the issue is clear, we all benefit.
