Mi advise is to Uninstall the K3B bundled with Fedora Core 2, with a rpm -e (this is not really necessary, but just to keep one), and then install a fresh k3b from www.k3b.org

This is because due to MP3 policy of Red Hat, the default K3B in Fedora doesn't support MP3. Installation is really easy, after this, you would have a great tool.


On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 11:41 -0400, Doug Stewart wrote:
A. Lanza wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to record my audio and data CDs with Linux as i did one time with
> Windows, but haven't found any software in FC2 to do it. I guess
> there'll be some out there... I'd prefer one with a GUI.
> Any help?
> AL

Do you mean GUI CD burning software?  Will K3b fit the bill?

Doug Stewart
Systems Administrator/Web Applications Developer
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs

Christian Loza <christianl@unete.com.bo>
UNETE Telecomunicaciones Ltda.