On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Zoltan Boszormenyi <zboszor@freemail.hu> wrote:
2012-08-29 17:16 keltezéssel, Zdenek Pytela írta:
Zoltan Boszormenyi writes:
How can I run fsck on /home or maybe on / for that matter?
I guess booting the Fedora 17 DVD in rescue mode can be
used. But how to do it without it? I have used yum to upgrade
from F16 (and F14 before) and don't have the DVD at hand.
        The easiest way is to boot to single user mode: in grub either
choose apropriate menu entry which boots directly into single mode if you have it,
otherwise choose any kernel entry and edit line beginning with linux and
append the word 'single'.

I did exactly that way, you didn't quote that part of my mail where I wrote it.
Let me quote now: " I booted into single mode and ran "umount /home" "
I did it before running e2fsck but it complain about "resource is busy".
I checked it, it wasn't mounted and the contents were not available under /home.
So, what has captured my partition that prevents fsck?

AFAIK, you should never fsck a mounted fs, umount it first...

        There are other ways: rescue mode from fedora dvd, any live
distribution on usb stick, booting from boot.fedoraproject.org. You may need
to remount root fs:
mount -o remount,ro /

I wanted to do without burning an extra DVD and waiting some hours
while the DVD is downloaded. Thanks anyway.

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