I had configured a local DNS server under F12 and everything was working fine.  I upgraded the system to F13 and
setup DNS again.  Now I see the following errors.

Nov  9 15:46:28 darkstar named[17913]:   validating @0xb4e48968: dlv.isc.org SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Nov  9 15:46:28 darkstar named[17913]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving 'dlv.isc.org/DLV/IN':
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]:   validating @0xb49766e8: dlv.isc.org SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]:   validating @0xb4977160: dlv.isc.org SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]:   validating @0xb4977bd8: dlv.isc.org SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving 'howtoforge.com.dlv.isc.org/DS/IN':
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving 'howtoforge.com.dlv.isc.org/DLV/IN':
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]:   validating @0xb4724d60: dlv.isc.org SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving 'www.howtoforge.com.dlv.isc.org/DS/IN':
Nov  9 15:48:02 darkstar named[17913]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving 'www.howtoforge.com.dlv.isc.org/DLV/IN':

I have 2 servers configured in the forwarders section of named.conf

forwarders {;; };

It only complains about the second one. 

I found Bug 577639 which seems related, but it's marked closed notabug.

So if it's not a bug why am I seeing these errors and how do I go about resolving them?

Is this a configuration issue on my side, or is this an issue with my ISP?

The file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key" contains the correct key.

Any assistance is appreciated.
