I'm finally switching over to Wayland as my daily driver.

However, I'm still finding big problems with screen sharing in general. I'm on KDE/Plasma.

Many apps that are supposed to support screen sharing on Wayland -- Electron-based apps, Chromium, OBS, proprietary apps like Zoom etc. either completely don't work, or work but only partially. For example, Chrome can share X11 windows but not Wayland windows, and cannot share screens at all (the option is available, but the screens are just black). OBS doesn't work with Pipewire+Wireplumber either, though it does seem to be able to capture windows that are running under XWayland.

Some very nice and useful apps e.g. Pop simply output: "we don't support Wayland, switch to X11".

As long as it is up to each app to develop their own solutions for Wayland this situation is likely to only change in a decade or so, if even then. Are there any tech initiatives on the go -- maybe at the compositor level? -- to have Wayland screen sharing work essentially transparently to apps that have already got screen sharing working for X11? I'm fine with a global setting that says "I don't care about screen sharing security" -- that's essentially what I'm doing by changing my desktop back to X11 anyway.