> Usually it is something obscure that is easily fixed. If it works on
> another distro, then we have narrowed the problem to 'fixable' status,
> rather than 'unknown'. That's a "Good Thing" (tm) according to that
> perception. It's just a learning thing.


I do not think there is anything wrong with the driver for
most cameras. Mine (Creative, ntsc), has pretty acceptable colors.
But there are many issues involved to stream audio and video.

1) Enough bandwidth (minimum 600Kb for download and upload)
2) Firewall rules
3) NAT forward rules (sometimes, STUN is unavoidable)
4) A known protocol

I have used my camera with a home solution, called freemeeting,
and I could send and receive audio and video very well. This software
is intended for video-conferences. Either, I had very good results with motion,
which can be used to remotely monitor an ambient, and send images via
an http connection.

Sometime ago, I also tested many soft-phones in linux,
such as Skype, ekiga, wengophone, ohphone, linphone, X-Lite.
Some of them can also send video. Mileage varied, depending mostly
on the available bandwidth (ideal >= 2Mb)

This is how I forwarded ports in my router:

TCP       6890 - 6900     192.168.254.x   MSN
UDP       6890 - 6900     192.168.254.x   MSN
UDP       5000 - 5100     192.168.254.x   Ekiga
TCP       30000 - 30010 192.168.254.x   Ekiga
TCP       1720                  192.168.254.x   H323 (Ohphone/AOL)
TCP       5060  - 5061     192.168.254.x    sip
UDP       7070  - 7089     192.168.254.x   siproxd
UDP       10600 - 10601 192.168.254.x   wengophone

As a last remark, the last time I tried skype (maybe a year ago)
in windows XP, my computer rebooted every time I sent and received video
simultaneously. So, uncle Bill also had his problems...

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti