On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 2:09 PM Joe Zeff <joe@zeff.us> wrote:
On 11/23/2016 02:25 AM, Saša Janiška wrote:
> Fedora 25 uses Wayland by default, in order to have desktop icons you
> should start (from GDM), Xorg session.

Wayland doesn't use desktop icons???

No. As I understand it, Gnome 3 doesn't do desktop icons, and that it is nautilus which provides a workaround to reintroduce that behavior as a "tweak". However, that workaround doesn't currently work on Wayland.

Ultimately, I think the blame goes to Gnome 3 designers, if you need somebody to blame. I believe it was their decision to drive people away from desktop icons. (Probably because people tend to fill it with junk, uglifying an otherwise elegant desktop environment.)

It's probably a good idea to discourage treating the desktop like another filesystem folder with a bunch of arbitrary junk in it. Unfortunately, this makes one of the standard xdg dirs (~/Desktop) useless, and unless you have gnome shell extensions installed, you also won't be able to see icons for mounted drives, trash, etc.