
when i boot on Fedora CD/DVD (whatever it is as version 17/18) result of a blank screen.
to be able to install i need to install with troubleshooting mode and "run in basic graphic mode"

i have a nvida graphic card so i guess here is the problem.
is there a solution to run in a better resolution than what basic graphic mode propose ?

if not, i guess i must setup video resolution manually in x11 conf.
where can i find a good tutorial for that point ? because when i tried Fed17 i had the same problem and i was not able to setup video correctly so i got a blank screen from restart :(


Windows 7 x64 / Fedora 17 x64
MySQL 5.6
Apache 2.4.3 / OpenSSL 1.0.1c
Tomcat 7.17
PHP 5.4.8