On Tue, Dec 22, 2020, 12:59 AM Gordon Messmer <gordon.messmer@gmail.com> wrote:

The use of clevis to bind a LUKS volume to a TPM2 device isn't very well
documented, but a few articles and blogs provide working examples for a
single LUKS volume:

"clevis luks bind -d /dev/sda3 tpm2 '{"pcr_ids":"7"}'"

Does anyone know if it's possible to bind two volumes and unlock them
both at boot, using the TPM2 device?

Lennart was working on this a while ago in systemd. I'm not sure how far along it is. Could git clone it and then:

git log --grep=TPM2

I'm not sure how to do case insensitive with git's grep. I know he was also working on security key support for sd-homed and possible sd-cryptsetup.

Anyway, this is something Workstation WG has been looking at in particular for encrypting system root. That way a user entered passphrase isnt needed to boot. And the user login passphrase unlocks just that user's home. 

Chris Murphy