On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 08:56 +0100, Frank Murphy wrote:
On 02/06/10 08:52, kalinix wrote:
> It's system specific, since I had it on KDE. I changed it from System
> settings->Computer administration->Keyboard and mouse->Mouse->Cursor theme.
> It ought be a simper way though, like changing a parameter in a text file.
You can do: (but you might end up with something uglier)
yum info */cursor-theme* should give you a list of alternates.

yum erase dmz\* (the little hand, it's from opensuse)

Installed Packages
Name       : dmz-cursor-themes
Arch       : noarch
Version    : 0.4
Release    : 3.fc13
Size       : 6.2 M
Repo       : installed
>From repo  : anaconda-InstallationRepo-201005130056.i386
Summary    : X cursors themes
URL        : http://jimmac.musichall.cz/themes.php?skin=7
License    : CC-BY-SA
Description: An X cursors theme by Jakub Steiner used by OpenSUSE.


Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded
Friend of Fedora

Hehe, found it:

for system-wide is in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme

mine reads:

[Icon Theme]

which is that ugly little black hand

As I changed it to dmz, I found 'cursorTheme=dmz' in .kde/share/config/kcminputrc (I'm a KDE user)

I knew it has to be a file   :D



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