My response to some heavy criticism.

I read comments comparing Fedora and UBUNTU.
I agree that there are distributions that are superior to
Fedora for some desktop work. My desktop systems are XP (just because it's
Microsoft, does not mean it is bad), PCLINOS (all multimedia worked out of
the box), UBUNTU (Not quite as good as PCLINOS for working out of the
box with all multimedia), Fedora 7 and Fedora 8. For me, the distributions, for me,
are tools. If one tool does not work, I use another. I am getting less
emotionally attached to any one distribution.

And I tend to agree about poor QC with Fedora. Ever since Fc4 I
have been stating that testing is more then just testing the added modules, the
minimum efforts are that testing is done with an NxN set of tests, where N
is the number of modules in the distribution.

Between FC4 and FC8, I would conjecture that N is going to (2N) and therefore
there is a requirement for 4 times as many tests. Since Fedora insists
on 6 month releases, somethings have to be shipped broken.

I think that all distributions should go from a new release every six months to one every nine.
Fully tested Minor release enhancements could be supplied between one Main release and the other,
as it is done now.
My preference for a solid internet tool is still linux with firefox.

Regards from Canada.
