On 14 March 2011 01:47, Mark LaPierre <marklapier@aol.com> wrote:
On 03/13/2011 09:36 PM, Aaron Gray wrote:
> Since these HP ProLiant DL150's dont have CD's, I need to do a PXE
> instillation from another Fedora box.
> Does anyone have a link to proper instructions on how to do this. I have
> looked at quite a few instructions but non that outline the Fedora files
> necessary to be put under /tftpboot on the server.
> Also it says on the ProLiant documentation that you only need tfpd and
> bootp and not full DHCP ?
> Any advice welcome, particularly if you have done a PXE instillation of
> Fedora.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Aaron
Hey Aaron,

You might not have to use PXE to do a remote install.

I used to mount a copy of the install .iso file using loopback and then
share it out using NFS.  Then all you need to do is boot up the target
system with a network install image, on a USB key, floppy disk, etc...

When the installer asks for the location of the install media give it
the network address of the .iso image on the NFS server.

I had several different distributions set up on my FTP server.  My
friend would come over and plug into my network and install whatever
flavor he wanted on his laptop that lacked a CD/DVD drive the same way
you have no drive.

Ah right, if the ProLiant has DL140 has a USB drive option then that will be great, many thanks,


   ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
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