On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Rolf Fokkens <rolf.fokkens@orange.nl> wrote:

Ik accidentally discovered that my software RAID5 array was degraded: one of the three disks had been kicked out of the array.

It appeared that disk /dev/sda1 had been disabled 5 days before! I was totally unaware of the problem, which is odd.

syslog shows the moment the array got into trouble:
2010-02-23T17:10:31.974066+01:00 home07 kernel: ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
What surprises me is the fact that the system didn't inform me (except for the syslog messages) that there was something seriously wrong, It should have done so by alarming popups in X, or whatever.

Probably I just misconfigured something, but maybe Fedora has no software installed (or available) to alarm the user about these serious events.

Any suggestions?

Install logwatch, set it to automatically send email to root daily, then look at
root's email once a day.
Dale Dellutri