
Let me begin by apologizing for not being able to give more info about this problem than what I do, but I simply don't know how to go about it. I have a MacBook Pro (5,2) on which I have happily run FC11 for some time. Tonight, while I was working on something a message about suggested updates popped up and for the first time I did what I've never done before: I clicked "Install all updates" without checking what it was. I then left off. When I came back the screen had frozen. I did a forced reboot but now the computer hangs after the GRUB screen. There are no messages that I am able to intercept, just a black screen with a cursor in the top left corner.

It is possible that my laptop ran out of power in the middle of the update (but not very likely; I had just started it up and it usually runs a couple of hours before needing a recharge.)

Any hints on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

