On 8 March 2015 at 00:10, Martin Cigorraga <martincigorraga@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, it seems that some packages in Fedora pulls down more dependencies than I would like; for instance removing the GNOME Desktop group (if it actually existed) should only remove everything GNOME-related stuff and only that, not whatever else on what it may depend. Conversely, one should be able to install X or Wayland separately - at least that's how I used with Arch and Gentoo albeit RHEL seems more close to Debian in this regard.

About the question I made, I think it is quite self-explanatory: there are groups for every-other Desktop Environment (even one for Window Managers) but there's none for GNOME Desktop. Of course I believe one could go and remove leftovers by hand, what I say is that's strange - just to say something - that there isn't a meta-group that takes care of that.

Red Hat is big contributor to Gnome so Fedora is a Gnome-centered distro. It supports other DEs but the default assumption is that you're using Gnome. This is evident from a lot of the documentation as well the packaging structure as you point out. That said, there's no problem using another DE and a lot of us do so. We just put up with some the Gnome components being more or less ever-present as long as they doesn't get in the way. And of course having them means you can use Gnome-based apps such as Evolution without having to put up with the weird desktop GUI.

It would be interesting to find out just what percentage of active users are on each of the main DEs, but I can't think of a reliable way of doing that i.e. one not subject to selection bias.

