Hi, maybe you can remove the .gconf/ dir of your home dir, if you do not care about other settings

在 2011-6-4 下午5:39,"Gary Waters" <linuxnutster@videotron.ca>写道:
> On 06/03/2011 09:30 AM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> On Fri, 2011-06-03 at 14:10 +0100, Ian Malone wrote:
>>> On 3 June 2011 13:15, Gary Waters<linuxnutster@videotron.ca> wrote:
>>>> Is there some way to reset gnome 3's setttings? I have been googling
>>>> around about tips and tweaks for gnome 3 and noticed I am missing a few
>>>> things, such as "places," "recent documents," and the plus/minus signs
>>>> at the bottom right to add/remove desktops, etc...
>>>> Unless, of course, I'm simply doing something wrong? Could the gnome
>>>> tweak tool have caused this? Is there a better FAQ I could consult?
>>>> In other words, I can't seem to get this:
>>>> http://www.thevarguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Screenshot-2.png
>>> I've no idea how to get it, but would like to know too. However the
>>> url suggests it's from march 2010, so they may have decided before
>>> release that it was dangerously useful and removed it.
>> That screenshot is extremely out of date. Those panels no longer exist
>> on their own. They appear as you start typing into the search field in
>> the overlay.
> I was afraid somebody would say they were out of date. I found several
> websites showing the same layout. At Least now I can move forward and
> stop trying to get the "ungettable." Thanks...
> --
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