Ty for reply Jackson,

but try to unpack the initrd.img what in embedded inside fedora 8 CDROM,
it's a binary...

2010/7/10 Kevin J. Cummings <cummings@kjchome.homeip.net>
On 07/10/2010 11:03 AM, Emilio Fernandes wrote:
> Ty foi reply,
> but i need the source code of /sbin/init of initrd.img.

So, execute the commands that Chris typed on *your* machine and get
*your* information:

rpm -qif /sbin/init

Read the output and determine the *NAME* of the source RPM it was built
from.  Then find/download *that* .src.rpm.  www.pbone.net can be your

> Becase on fedora 8 it is a binary instead of fedora 13 is a shell script.
> when i unpack the initrd.img from fedora 8 CD, i cant modify the init
> script.
> And now i need to modify this binary to create custom rules on init.
> I having problems becase when i boot the fedora 8 on a intel i3 with a
> sata Cdrom
> he can't find the cdrom:/ks8.cfg, the only message of error is:
> Cannot find CDROM.
> I belive its a kernel issue, and now i add a new kernel to initrd and
> need to customize
> some rules on /sbin/init binary of fedora 8 initrd.img.
> Sorry my poor english..

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)

Emilio Seidel Fernandes
Tec. Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Distribuídos - UTFPR Curitiba