Billo, now I understand...  Some of my friends are in the FBI, that's how they know it's me even if I call from another phone.
Now to the topic, I didn't notice this, I'm going to take a look into my logs in both systems  (I have Fedora and Debian)  and see what I find.  And thanks Ed Greshko for the solution, I'll apply it if I see anything out of order.


2017-04-06 1:42 GMT+02:00 William Oliver <vendor@billoblog.com>:
On Wed, 2017-04-05 at 14:30 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 04/05/2017 01:31 PM, JD wrote:
> >
> > We have seen the enemy looking back at us in in the mirror :) :)
> Pogo probably said it best: "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Heh.  When I was in the Army, I worked with some civilian agencies,
including the FBI.  Some years later, after I had left the military and
was working at an academic institution, I had occasion to call a friend
of mine at the FBI because we were both going to the same meeting and I
thought I might be fun to touch base after all these years.

I called him from a phone in a new office I had -- the number was
screened both by my department and by the university.  People were
supposed to only see the main number of the university, not my new
office number.

Ring ring ring...

Him:  Hi Bill!  Haven't heard from you in years!

Me:  Dude!  How in hell did you know it was me?

Him:  Bill, we're the FBI.  We always know where you are.

Me: Damn.


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