On Sep 7, 2014, at 4:46 PM, Bat Phil <batphil64@gmail.com> wrote:

I did consider that possibility Eddie and it may well limit my ultimate choice of desktop. I am hoping that the main limiting factor is the lack of system memory rather than video memory. However, I will have to wait for a couple of days to find out.

Well you've got 10GB of swap, so while the system may get dog slow, desktop still shouldn't crash. Gnome has a work around to deal with blacklisted or less capable video hardware. It's slower and takes up more memory, but again it still shouldn't crash. So I'm suggesting that's a bug that may already be fixed by upgrading. Or it might take some searching in bugzilla to find it and possibly a work around. Or worse case it's unique to your hardware in which case it'd be good to file a bug.

Chris Murphy