On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:14 AM, Bruno Wolff III <bruno@wolff.to> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 22:23:29 +1100,
  Celik <celik.n.00@gmail.com> wrote:

Had a logic error in my bash script and did "rm -rf *" on my current
working directory. Any tips for undoing such an error?

I've done worse. I once did rm -rf .* to try to remove some config files in a home directory. I forgot that .* matched .. and deleted a lot of stuff I didn't want to.

Bruno, after such an experience, did you come up with an alternative solution to using "rm -rf"?
"rm -i" is good as it prompts before deletion however it becomes tedious if there are a lot of files to be deleted, hence "rm -rf" seems ideal but dangerous if not cautious :(
Had a look on google, there was one particular recommendation that caught me attention (sorry I don't have the link). It was recommended to mv the files (and/or folders) to be deleted into a tmp directory. I'm planning to try that in my future code, we'll see how things go.
