2015-10-02 0:09 GMT+03:00 Paolo Galtieri <pgaltieri@gmail.com>:
  I have 2 systems running FC22.  Both are at the latest updates. On one system firefox shows I have flash version installed.  This is the latest version available from Adobe.  On the other system firefox tells me I have an out of date version of flash  This is, however, wrong.  I have installed.  I have verified this by downloading the latest flash tar file from Adobe and doing an md5sum on the one from the tar file and the one installed in /usr/lib64/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so. They both have the same checksum.  The link in ~/.mozilla/plugins points to /usr/lib64/flash-plugin/libflashplayer.so so the correct version should be pulled in.  I tried removing the link in the ~/.mozilla/plugins directory and re-starting firefox, but it still shows I have installed.  Even after I restore the link and restart firefox it still shows I have 508 installed.

How do I get firefox to pickup the correct version of flash?

Any help is appreciated.

Close Firefox, edit ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiledir*/pluginreg.dat

Remove all content in [PLUGINS] section, starting from "libflashplayer.so" to "FutureSplash Player"

Start Firefox.

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