I have several operative systems on disk partitions.With the hour change to European Summertime days ago
Fedora16 and OpenSUSE are 1 hour less than the right time,the other OSs (Ubuntus,Debian,Solaris etc. are OK).

On Fedora16(and OpenSUSE) when I do in Terminal: hwclock ; date ; date --utc   I get:

8:53:42 PM WEST
20:53:41 WEST 2012
19:53:41 WEST 2012

On Ubuntu(which presents the time OK) I get:

sudo hwclock ; date ; date --utc
Tue 03 Apr 2012 05:42:26 PM WEST  -0.032786 seconds
Tue Apr  3 18:42:25 WEST 2012
Tue Apr  3 17:42:25 UTC 2012

Here the hardware clock equals UTC and on Fedora and OpenSUSE NOT.
More,when I fix the time on OpenSUSE and Fedora the other operative systems
time become WRONG.

How can I fix this?