Hey all.

I fedup'd from F18 to 20 a couple of weeks ago (suprisingly smooth process) but decided to blow it all away in favor of a F20 minimal install as I am "fed up" with Gnome ;-)

So, here we are on a minimal install with no DM or DE, just i3wm with agetty --auto-login as a quick & dirty autologin solution.

Overall everything works swimmingly, quite pleased with the setup.

One issue has me puzzled, however. When I open up a terminal (or even from a tty) by default I am placed in slash root vs. my user directory.

The workaround I'm using is to stick a "cd $HOME"  in the last line of my .bashrc

What is causing this? Does one need to login via a DM in order to get placed in user home directory? If so, why does a tty session default to slash root?

Thanks for an explanation if you've got one.