Hi alex,
 Thanks for ur mail, i am a novice linux user so excuse me if i had left anythiny important to mention. I have an integrated intel gigabit controller, and a lan  connected to the network in my university. I tried to connect fedora to net through the start->system settings->network* and tried to connect to the net by supplying the IP and other info it asks for but except that i couldnt understand what controller it needs i selected intel gigabit controller not the integrate ( since it was not on the list)  hoping that it gets connected, but again it could not be activated since the error message said that the hardware listed could not be found. I tried in the net hard to find a patch or some info in it but google couldnt help me.
- ash

Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@uni-x.org> wrote:
Am Di, den 23.11.2004 schrieb Ahamarshan jn um 16:26:

> Hi i am having an Integrated Intel Gigabit ethernet controller, and am connected to LAN, but Fedora
> doesnt give any option of this controller to be connected to the internet, when i choose Intel gigabit
> (not integrated) even then i get the same problem. ie when i select the harware interface to intel gigabit
> @eth0 and then try to activate it, i get an error message saying could not activate the component, error
> component missing. I am struck how should i proceed. And yeah SATA drive gives a big problem.

> ash

There is no real hardware information in your mail. What does "lspci -v"
tell about the ethernet controller. I understand that it is fix on your
motherboard. Which driver do you try? If you load it by hand, will the
syslog then report anything? Doe! s dmesg print anything useful during

"SATA drive gives a gib problem"? I suspect you want help. This way
certainly you can't. At least my crystal ball is lent to a friend.


P.S. no HTML formatted mail please.

Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | new address - new key: 0xB366A773
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