On 31/10/22 09:32, Neal Becker wrote:

On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 11:38 AM Jonathan Billings <billings@negate.org> wrote:
On Oct 30, 2022, at 07:42, Neal Becker <ndbecker2@gmail.com> wrote:
I have been watching Wayland with interest since it's beginning.  There is still one thing which prevents me from switching.  I need to attend remote meetings, using teams, zoom, etc.  I always prefer to use the web interfaces for those, through chrome (firefox won't work on teams).  If I use wayland and I try to share a window, only some windows are available to share - presumably the native X11 ones are not available choices.  Until this is resolved it's X11 for me.

I’ve shared individual Wayland windows through Chrome and Google Meet:

1. ⁠Go to chrome://flags
2. ⁠Search "Preferred Ozone platform"
3. ⁠Set it to "Wayland"
4. ⁠Restart Chrome

You can also launch Chrome with: --ozone-platform=wayland

When you go to share, it’ll ask you for permission and you can choose whole screen or certain windows.  It might be something that requires GNOME’s mutter though, I haven’t tried any other Wayland-compatible desktop environment. I’ve used it with Zoom too, although not recently since my job requires Meet.
I'm still using X11 with KDE as it seems to me that Wayland still does not play properly with KDE, plus I haven't seen any updates to the F35 situation of KDE and Wayland not being compatible. With the small test I gave Wayland when I installed F36 from scratch, I found that the launch feedback settings for apps gets ignored even though they are set in system-settings and in the icon data on the desktop, and when in the taskbar edit mode, the button for the option settings doesn't work but it works fine in X11.


Jonathan Billings

Thanks, but just tried it - doesn't work.  I only see one window available to share.  I have also a konsole window and okular running, but these are not shown as choices under share window.  I started chrome with --ozone-platorm=wayland in a waland-plasma session.  Then I started google meet from this chrome browser.  I believe only wayland-native windows show as choices in the 'share window'.  Interesting that emacs shows up - it is recent 28.1.91 (a pre-release of 28.2 I guess).  Tried opening several other apps, including firefox with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1, but none show as choices to share except emacs. 

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