On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 4:32 AM Patrick Dupre via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hello every body,
I wished to forward you this email exchange that I had with Masahide Kashiwagi.
Could you confirm that it is an issue with gcc-13?

Many numerical codes are encountering problems with "type_traits" constructs in gcc13.
From <https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/seeking-workaround-for-compiling-code-in-a-system-with-gcc-13/262333>:

"While we’re still working on full support for interoperability with GNU 13 (they made significant 
changes), we did add some support in our 23.5 release and additional items in 23.7. Specifically 
we saw similar errors when the “type_traits” header gets included (either implicitly or explicitly) 
but were able to work around this in the 23.5 release."

<https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/05/04/new-c-features-gcc-13#new_warnings> says:

"GCC 13 implements many C2X proposals. These proposals align the C and C++ languages a little 
bit closer to each other by entwining certain features, and make programming in C easier and more 

In the past I have often needed to install older GCC from source to work on legacy codes.  If Fortran is
not needed, the current clang compilers may be a good solution.

George N. White III