Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you suggesting that there is something morally wrong with
the people who contributed to the *bsd components whose lack
of restrictions allowed them to be used in OSX as well as
continuing to be freely available? Or that OSX existing at
all is a bad thing?
Morally wrong? Nope, no one HAS to live up to my expectations, that's a given.

My personal take on Mr. Jobs and Apple?
<hitches up pants>
<deep inhale of breath>
<eyeballs Les>
I've been largely unimpressed by Steve Jobs since 1978. Woz built a helluva machine. Woz is a Saint. Jobs closed it up, and Woz moved on. My old original Woz built Apple ][ had integer basic in ROM and would drop to a mini-assembler when you hit reset... you could load a 'copy-protected' disk into memory, hit reset and write that sucker straight to tape using assembler level commands... <evil grin> ... and you had it! The 'update' to the roms put floating point basic in and a redirect of the reset (03d0) to reboot the system. No more Wozness...  bad users not in charge of their space anymore. Double bad bad to look at how something works. Now Jobs wants open source?  If it wasn't for BSD and all of their contributors, Jobs would still be barefoot and fingering his butt, trying to figure a way to lock it all in for his greedy self and forever getting beat like a wet dog by Gates.

Now all these nice wellmeaning people shower Apple with BSD gifts, and it'll be a matter of time that we see a return against the GiftDebt or not. I won't be affected either way as I haven't given them sh*t since I piddled away $2500 in 1978 dollars, to find only several years later new software couldn't run because I needed to replace the ! entire machine for the latest.. "Then ye shall know the Devil by his works."  <chuckles>  OSX could be a better thing if it was Fedora'd. The entire thing. Heck, I'd probably use that.

I keep hoping Apple (apart from the OSX community) will just blow up and go to Hell one day,  but that line of thinking is REALLY bad for me , my Yama turns a dark shade of maroon. I'll leave them to the Creator of the Universe to deal with. May they recieve, in like manner, as they have given.

You asked, I told ya. <cackles and runs away> Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
...the Sin of Ignorance, and
...the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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