On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage <dsavage@peaknet.net> wrote:

You will be far better off to download and install the current Fedora
14. Then browse http://docs.fedoraproject.org/ for documentation. Use
that documentation to learn as you go. You'll learn that most Fedora
utilities and applications have brief on-line manuals ("man pages").
Join a Linux User's Group (LUG). In 6-12 months you should learn enough
to install and use Fedora by yourself.

Again, welcome.

--Doc Savage

The book I book earlier ( when I didn't know the fact of online usage and manuals and still is with me). But the book is of Fedora 10 and I assume (NOT SURE) that almost all the major things would remain same, in case if ever I read that.


Parshwa Murdia