Hello George,

Thanks for that bit of info.

Fortunately enough, then, in this case, mi Mac is a 2017 Air, so I don't have to worry about it.

Best regards.


On 3/10/21 1:29 PM, George N. White III wrote:
On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 03:23, Francisco Tissera <audiogamer2004@gmail.com> wrote:
And, i don't believe secure boot is present on macs, I've never seen it
at least.

Just to keep the record current: Recent macs with T2 chips do use secure boot, see

NOTE: There is currently no trust provided for the Microsoft Corporation
UEFI CA 2011, which would allow verification of code signed by Microsoft
partners. This UEFI CA is commonly used to verify the authenticity of
bootloaders for other operating systems such as Linux variants.

George N. White III

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