On Sun, 14 Apr 2019 at 19:47, ToddAndMargo via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 4/14/19 3:54 AM, George N. White III wrote:
> spice <https://www.spice-space.org/>.   Configure the display to use
> spice and install a spice
> client on the host.

Hi George,

Or just virt-viewer like on my other VM's

virt-viewer supports both VNC and SPICE protocols, presumably depending on how you configure the 
VM.   There are lots of VNC viewers and apps like MobaXterm that provide a more friendly front-end.
VNC servers I've used have options to allow multiple clients, and you can use ssh tunnels for security.
In practice, I've seen configurations where one, both or neither protocol was usable.  Spice supports 
a "console" view for server VM's, but this gives an image display so you can't copy text to the clipboard
or paste incantations into the console.   Generally you want to use the same VMC server and client as
there are often differences in the initial handshake.  Recent TigerVNC clients do work with some MacOS
built-in VNC servers.    
Question, does Spice allow you to see what the user sees or is
it a separate window?  I am asking as I am also looking for
a way to do remote assistance on Linux (Fedora).

Simultaneous clients is listed under "Future Features".   I use VM's to have access to whatever linux version is
causing difficulties.  They run on a small server.  If I have a spice viewer going on the server and then connect
with the Windows "Remote Viewer" client, the window on the server goes to a message:

"Error: viewer connection to hypervisor host got refused or disconnected"
so the future is not here yet.

has a number of commercial linux support tools, and menitons Chrome Remote Desktop.  https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/best-remote-access-apps-for-linux/ puts Chrome Remote Desktop for linux at the top of their list.

I pay for Go To Assist, but they have ignored my and other's
requests for Linux support for years.  I have to fire up
a stinkin' Windwos 7 VM to user it.

George N. White III