
I'm not able of booting fedora 20 into rescue mode.

In the manuals is wrote:

Once you have booted, using one of the described methods, (booting  from a boot CD-ROM or DVD, ...,  ...)

add the keyword rescue as a kernel parameter.

For example, for an x86 system, type the following command at the installation boot prompt:

linux  rescue
etc ...............

but I can not see any prompt
where I can type
that command.

When I boot from my disk of installation  (fedora live 20)
I get (only) the following menu:

  • start fedora live in basic graphic mode;

  • test this media and start fedora live
  • run a boot memory test
  • boot from local drive
  • return to main menu

( I opt for the first option (of course) and so by the installation of the OS)

nothing to do with a recovery procedure .....

What am I doing wrong ?


Thank you
