Firstly I know this topic has been covered a couple of times, but I would like some fresh suggestions for my own personal case.
I am running Fedora Core 6 on an old Evo N160 laptop.
This runs very well on a laptop so old with the exception of there is no life in the battery.
The server is up and running 24/7 since it was built around 4-5 months ago.
The main usage of the server is for mySQL and web services.
I have DNS forwarding on my Dynamic IP address so that I can always get to the content of my web server from where ever I have Internet access.
I have now put countless hours of development time in to my web site, which is reasonably backed up as I use Dreamweaver from my normal laptop. The data content of mySQL is not currently backed up along with the rest of the system.
My worse case scenario is that the laptop goes down with a hardware fault and corrupt drive. This would mean that I would probably lose everything except my html and php web pages.
What I would like is some detailed instructions on the best way to back these up. I have HDD's that can be connected via USB if necessary or I could place backups on my main PC which is easier to switch on.
As the main system content of the server only changes once a week when I download updates I initially require a backup to restore the system with my main settings. This could just be a monthly backup as downloading the updates is not a major issue. I would be quite happy to mainly backup the mySQL databases on a regular basis.
At present I am able to connect to a shared location on the server from my windows machines using SAMBA. However I have not set anything up to work the other way so that the server can connect to a Windoes PC (would need further instructions).
I would be grateful for any information on the best way to resolve my backup dilema.
If my server dies then I currently would like to restore the system to one of mt other spare Dell laptops.
Many thanks in advance for your replies.

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