On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:04, JB <jb.1234abcd@gmail.com> wrote:
Donald Russell <russell.don <at> gmail.com> writes:

> ...

There is no clearly defined config file to set in/read from your fsck env
So, you have to modify startup scripts and set it there before fsck call.

# grep -ir fsck /etc

# cat /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
if [ -f /fastboot ] || strstr "$cmdline" fastboot ; then

# *************************************************************************
# read your fsck env variable here
# *************************************************************************

if [ -f /fsckoptions ]; then
       fsckoptions=$(cat /fsckoptions)


if [ -z "$fastboot" -a "$READONLY" != "yes" ]; then

       STRING=$"Checking filesystems"
       echo $STRING
       fsck -T -t noopts=_netdev -A $fsckoptions


I decided to add the env vars in /etc/sysconfig/network...

# fsck values are provided here so they are picked up by /etc/rc.sysinit
# when the system boots up.
# This way I don't have to modify the rc.sysinit script to get fsck
# to use parallelism.

Not the most elegant of solutions, but this way I don't have to worry about conflicts with any future updates to rc.sysinit.

I'm also going to open a ticket with redhat to suggest a more elegant solution

Something like adding this line to rc.sysinit before running fsck...

[ -f /etc/fsckenv ] && . /etc/fsckenv

Similar to how rc.sysinit allows fsck command line options in /fsckoptions