On 8/10/2012 10:28 AM, users-request@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
What is the "GPU-lockup - switching to software fbcon" problem?

This is a description of it:

I did try that "nouveau.noaccel=1" solution, but I don't
think I got it done correctly.

Why do you give us vague descriptions of a network problem? What does
"no home network" mean?

It means my home network was not working with Fedora.
The network did not see Fedora and Fedora did not see
the other users on the network.

It's hard for any OS to support brand new hardware that may have bugs in
the hardware itself or not be fully supported with specifications about
how the hardware works. Linux is not the "bad guy" here.

That is true, but apparently this fbcon problem is a long-
standing problem.  It may not be a Linux problem per se. 
Many think the graphics card people have it out for Linux. 
I'm not sure if that is true or not.

..and you had to install drivers for all your hardware to be fully
recognized. Windows is not the "good guy" in your situation.

This looks like your very first post to this mailing list.

Actually I posted back on 6/4/2011, but I certainly
don't post often.

 I'm not sure
why you think writing a one-off rant on here will solve your problem. If
you want to get Linux installed you should post a detailed account about
the problems you are having to this list and we can help figure it out

I did not intend for it to be a rant, but I am disappointed
that I can't get Linux working.  I consider myself fairly
technically savvy and I think I have a fair amount of
stick-to-it ivness.  It just isn't working out for me. 
I think I need to learn the unix command language and
structure before I take on the task of installing Linux.

Thanks for the offer to work out my problems.  I'll try
to get that done next time I try it.
