Hi Paulo,

Have you had a look at the Firefox bug list? I have recently noticed similar behaviour with other Flash apps in FF3.5 on a 32bit Fedora 11 install. Though I tend to mess around with my box more than I should, I assumed it was me and haven't seriously looked into this.  Though you symptoms seem staggeringly simmilar to mine.


On 26 Nov 2009 05:44, "Paolo Galtieri" <pgaltieri@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm having strange behaviour with 64bit firefox and the 64bit beta version of Adobe flash.  So I want to try the 32bit version of firefox with the 32bit flash from Adobe, but there in 32 bit version of firefox available through the 64bit repositories.  If I try the 32bit version of firefox from firefox.com it crashes all the time running the 32bit Adobe flash.

The problem I'm having is this: I have a subscription to safari books online, when  I login to safari in one tab and start reading a book, I can read the contents without a problem, but if I bring up a second tab, login to safari and start reading another book the page is blank.  Safari uses flash to display the book's contents.  Even if I bring up the same book in the second tab the contents are blank.

There is a comment of the safari books on line site that indicates possible issues with 64bit firefox/flash so how do I download a 32bit version to test?


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