For backups, I like incremental mirroring (using rsync) from disk to disk on a daily basis.  Under Linux, every night at 3am, a cron job runs the following backup script:  

  #!/bin/csh -f
  # This file goes in /etc/cron.daily/
  # The following link must be set up in /:
  setenv BKP /bkp/
  # mirror-like bkp for all evolving Linux partitions:
  rsync -a /etc /home /root /usr/local $BKP

To arrange this, I merely added the script to /etc/cron.daily/.   The directory /bkp/ is a link to a separate backup drive.

I use a similar script to back up to another computer over the Net, where the rsync line is instead

rsync -e /usr/bin/ssh -rlptvvuz <dirs> <remotehost>:~/ | \
   perl -e "while (<>) { print unless m/uptodate/ }"

With all this mirroring, I only need to make DVDs/CDs when I want to move something offline.


On 9/3/05, Paul Smith <> wrote:
> Dear All
> I am looking for a nice program to make backups from the relevant
> directories on my hard disk to a dvd+rw. Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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