Off the top of my head the tools that are either completely broken or partially broken on Wayland that work fine on X11.

* Google Meet
* Zoom
* MS Teams
* Slack screen sharing
* Discord screen sharing

and then there are the various broken desktop sharing apps:

* TeamViewer
* AnyDesk
* Chrome Remote Desktop
* x11vnc
* many more

and then there are the various niche products for the developer community with smaller communities but are nonetheless startups who see a market opportunity:

* Pop ( -- works only on X11 for now, seems they are having issues with implementing Wayland, especially screen control
* Tuple ( -- they are building Linux support now, and only on X11
* Pair-programming tools built into products like JetBrains IDEs

I don't think the user population represented by these and others is shrinking at all -- on the contrary, it's growing by leaps and bounds, and any one just the top 6 above likely boasts user communities thousands of times larger than the data scientists who use rstudio-server and Jupyter via browser.

On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 3:27 PM George N. White III <> wrote:
On Fri, 7 Jan 2022 at 09:50, Raman Gupta <> wrote:
It's very unfortunate in this day and age of remote working that screen sharing is
so broken on a modern Linux desktop. Back to X11 for me as well.

For many users, screen sharing is no longer the preferred option for remote work
because they spend most of their time in one of the web-browser environments like
rstudio-server or Jupyter.  These are generally much more responsive than screen
sharing, even when run over ssh tunnels.   A smaller user base translates to
reduced maintenance efforts, so the few remaining users suffer.

George N. White III

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