Hello All,
In the recent past I had problems with skipping packages with broken dependencies : ffmpeg-libs , libavdevice : Dorian Rosse adviced to install with " rpmfind ffmpeg-libs and libavdevice".
No result.
Tom Horsley did advice "dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing".
Result skip broken dependencies ffmpeg (new !) , ffmpeg-libs , libavdevice : So no result.
I solved the problem with dnf update ffmpeg --allowerase and all problems where sollved.
Now Tom has a new problem with VLC player. Well so have I : What is wrong with ffmpeg ?
Dnf wants to update Live 555 to 2023.06.20-2.f38 , when doing so the vlc player cannot be launched anymore.
So I found the following solution "dnf install vlc" : The result a downgrade on Live 555 and big surprice all (VLC) runs fine !
So do not update Live 555.
One way or another I have the impression that DNF is for the most of us to complex.
Nice to hear from you all.
Ger van Dijck.