On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Gregory Woodbury <redwolfe@gmail.com> wrote:

Only wishful if people are unwilling to reconsider past actions and are unwilling
to consider the necessary changes.  The cause appears lost in Fedora/RedHat only
because 1 or 2 "large voices" seem to consider this a "religious" fight and will
not consider doing anything to fix it. 

None of the issues mentioned in the wiki page I referred to is specific to one distro or the other.  This is all just upstream configuration.  I am pretty sure upstream will take patches if anyone is actually willing to do the leg work instead of just talking about it but I don't have any expectations.  For anyone wanting to work on it, the wiki page references some of the issues but it is not exhaustive list and there are quite a few more of them.  It is a starting point. All the best
