On 11/28/2009 11:52 PM, .:: [F]usion[S]tream ::. -- online wrote:
>> I know this is technically not a fedora question, but I'm hoping

>> to leverage on the collective smarts here.


>> I recently received a Sandisk Cruzer 16GB. I successfully removed

>> all the U3 crap.


>> However, after converting the fs type to ext3, GParted displays a

>> used space of around 900MB. df displays a different amount and

>> qtparted displays yet another amount. Converting back to fat32 in

>> GParted displays 15MB of usage whereas converting in Windows

>> displays 8kB usage.


>> With ext4, GParted displays a used amount of ~450MB.


>> The total size is mostly correct with regards to Sandisk's 16GB

>> actually being 16billion byes. What is a new filesystem displaying

>>  false used space readings? What is happening?


There are a couple of reasons for the disk space being used. First,
with journaling file systems like ext3, you have space for the
journal. Also, unless you specify otherwise, you have space reserved
for root when you create the file system.

I am not sure why qtparted and gparted would display different
amount, as both are front ends for parted, so they should be
starting with the same numbers.

I played around with creating a filesystem and partition table with fdisk and mkfs.ext3 only and the result is about 165MB of used space as compared to the earlier 900MB. I also played with the reserved blocks and that it appears to only effect available space, not used space. >From what I've read, journalling will take up some space (literally in 'used space'). My journal file is set at 128MB - from dumpe2fs. Ignoring GParted and QTParted, df now says I have 169668 1K blocks used space which would total somewhere around 165MB?

Am I missing something here?

I don't recall having this problem with my other flashdrives. This is my first 16GB flashdrive and it came with U3. Perhaps this is the problem. Perhaps the U3 software is really firmware (I read that U3 needs some special hardware to function in a flashdrive). Removed it "totally" with the U3 removal tool but apparently it is still a problem.

A point to note is that... with this drive, formatting to fat32 in linux and in windows creates vastly different results.

No matter, at least now I'm missing a helluva lot less space.