On 1/23/06, Jeff Vian <jvian10@charter.net> wrote:
On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 11:44 +0530, Ankush Grover wrote:
> hey friends,
> I am trying to copy the contents of some directories(/opt & /home) on
> my servers to another machine through rsync. The problem I am facing
> is that  ssh is very restricted in my domain that is
>          ssh is running on some other port(50,000)
>          only few users r allowed access.
> rsync -pzv -e "ssh -l demo --port=50000" --progress demo@host::mail /home/demo/ demo.swx
> demo is the user on other machine and it has the rights to do ssh, the
> machine is running on port 50000
> and the file i want to copy is demo.swx.Right now I am trying to copy
> only one file but I need to copy few directories.
> what should be the syntax of rsync for my scenario.
Why not use scp?  It uses the ssh protocol and works similarly to cp.

   scp -P 50000 -p -r demo@host:<source.dir> <destination.dir>

should copy the entire source.dir directory tree (assuming the demo user
has permissions to do so) and retain original permissions, modes, etc.

man scp for full details

> Thanks & Regards
> Ankush Grover

hey ,

Thanks for your email I know about scp  but want to learn rsync also.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover