On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 1:19 PM Robert Moskowitz <rgm@htt-consult.com> wrote:
I just rebooted after applying new updates.  In the past, this got the external video going.  Not this time.

VGA suggests an old monitor, so try to verify that it didn't fail by connecting to another system or playing
with configuration options until it works.  No point wasting time on a dead or dying monitor that is worth less
than the cost of proper disposal.

"xrandr --query" may have some useful info.

Check "inxi -Fzx" for missing graphics hardware.  There should be details in "sudo journalctl -b N"
(sudo gives details that are not included when run as regular user).   Look at a boot that worked for lines
related to the external monitor and compare with what is in the latest boot.

One thing to watch is EDID -- some older monitors have bad data that newer drivers reject.

George N. White III