I can use FC5 to listen to radio station. and short how-to is here.

Adel ESSAFI <adel.essafi@laposte.net> wrote:
Dear all
I try to lisetn to my radio on linux (on windows all goes right). no
tool can makes me listen (mplayer , xine) and vlc crashes (tool above).
With mplayer , I listen to the stream but with some breaks. Does it
exists an other tool to listen to mms stream.
Thank you for help

root@ketsei ~]# vlc mms://stream.mosaiquefm.net/mosaique64k
VLC media player 0.8.4a Janus
[00000277] access_mms access: selecting stream[0x1] audio (15 kb/s)
[00000277] access_mms access: connection successful
vlc: pcm_plug.c:384: snd_pcm_plug_change_channels: l'assertion «
snd_pcm_format_linear(slv->format) » a échoué.

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