I cannot finish the installation of VLC 'because in my computer there' is
not the key GCG.
The *command*:* sudo install VLC* ends with the error message:
GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 14] curl # 37 - "Could not open file / etc
/ pki / rpm-gpg / RPM-GPG-KEY-RPMFusion-free-fedora-21"
to my knowledge, it should be, in the / etc / pki / rpm-gpg, the file
/ RPM-GPG-KEY-RPMFusion-free-fedora-21 (which has the encryption key
required for installation).
I do not know the reason, but I didn't get this file, and currently the
installation can not 'be completed ...
May some one sais me *how I can find and import this file* (/
RPM-GPG-KEY-RPMFusion-free-fedora-21) on my computer??
Thank you