Hi Everybody,
My name is Jorge Gallegos, just completed the steps in the translation QS guide, below you can find my info:
* Legal Name: Jorge A Gallegos * Current Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico * Username: kad, you can check my user wikipage at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kad * Team: Spanish team * Status: Currently employed as a web developer * Me and Fedora: You could say I got the taste of a linux distro thanks to RedHat 7.0 circa 2001. From then on I've tried every major distro out there mostly to take a look, however I just keep coming back to fedora as my main platform, and has been like that since fc1 * Other projects: I'm currently taking a look at the packager requirements, which is something I'd like to work on. Websites sounds fun too. * Historical qualifications: I have contributed to some OSS projects for a while now, as a developer and also translator. I was the lead spanish translator for the Jaws Project (a CMS-type framework) and contributed occasionally to other translation efforts. I wrote a couple of articles for the (then new) fedora news site some years ago. * Skills: I have worked as a web developer with several languages such as java and php, sysadmin and mysql dba, occasional python coder... I have some project management training/experience under my arm too and a lot of team experience. * GPG: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAF056059 and:
$ gpg --fingerprint AF056059 pub 1024D/AF056059 2009-01-12 Key fingerprint = 6274 9521 5B55 57CA 543F 81CF B6C3 33C1 AF05 6059 uid Jorge A Gallegos (kad@torrgg) kad@blegh.net sub 2048g/6A77FBA6 2009-01-12
Anyway, I think that should cover most of the stuff in the QS guide. I'll try to be as helpful as possible, and will try to have fun at the same time :)
2009/3/4 Jorge A Gallegos kad@blegh.net:
Hi Everybody,
My name is Jorge Gallegos, just completed the steps in the translation QS guide, below you can find my info:
* Legal Name: Jorge A Gallegos * Current Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico * Username: kad, you can check my user wikipage at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kad * Team: Spanish team * Status: Currently employed as a web developer * Me and Fedora: You could say I got the taste of a linux distro thanks to
Anyway, I think that should cover most of the stuff in the QS guide. I'll try to be as helpful as possible, and will try to have fun at the same time :)
Welcome to the Fedora L10N Project and to the Spanish Team !
Current translation status is at [1] and [2].
Please, join fedora-trans-es@rh.c for discussions on Spanish translations. Send a self-introduction in Spanish there too.
[1] http://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/es/fedora-11
[2] http://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/es/various
kind regards
Domingo Becker (es)